Supplier Codes of Practice

Food Safety and Quality Expectations for Wegmans Brand Food (Finished Products or Raw Materials/Ingredients), Health & Wellness, and Home & Entertaining Suppliers.

All suppliers to Wegmans must be able to demonstrate systematic control of safety and quality. Wegmans fully endorses the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI); continued certification to one of the GFSI-recognized programs is our primary requirement for sites manufacturing Wegmans food products or raw materials utilized at our Wegmans manufacturing facilities. Wegmans collects the current full audit report (including corrective action) and certificate in English prior to approving a “new” supplier site and then at least annually thereafter. If applicable, the Organic certificate and Client Profile/Addendum documents are also collected on an annual basis. All Wegmans suppliers and any associated manufacturing sites are expected to conform to the expectations outlined in our Supplier Codes of Practice and may be subject to periodic verification audits by Wegmans personnel or designated Wegmans representatives. Wegmans reserves the right to change a supplier status based on the outcome of an audit or situation.

Conduct business in compliance with all laws and regulations prevailing in the country of operation. Wegmans expects its suppliers to comply, at a minimum, with all applicable labor, employment, health, safety, and environmental laws and regulations of the country, state, and municipality where the products are produced.

Understand and manage risks related to product, industry, and employees by having strong employee health & safety, quality, and food safety systems and programs in place.

Pay employees wages and benefits, in a timely manner, that meet or exceed those required by federal, state, or local laws and regulations.

In the absence of applicable laws or regulations, or in addition to them, suppliers are expected to meet the requirements set forth in Wegmans Supplier Codes of Practice, the “For Our Suppliers” section of, and Private Label Agreements, if applicable. Wegmans does not tolerate child labor or modern-day slavery—such as forced or compulsory labor or the trafficking of persons. Suppliers are required to commit to a work environment where employment is freely chosen and not performed under threat, deception, coercion, force, or menace of penalty. Wegmans will audit or investigate any potential concerns regarding child labor, slavery, or human trafficking, whether by its direct supplier, transportation companies, or elsewhere in the supply chain.

Operate in an ethical manner and support a culture of integrity and trust with their employees, including a mechanism for employees to report any potential issues or concerns in a confidential manner. Wegmans does not allow the sharing of money, gifts, services, entertainment, or travel in exchange for doing business.

Support a culture of caring and respect where discrimination and harassment based on race, color, religion, sex, pregnancy status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, disability status, or any other characteristics covered under state of federal laws is prohibited and dealt with accordingly.

Develop product specifications in conjunction with Wegmans and develop a finished product sample retain program where appropriate. Mutually agreed upon specifications must be in place before products can be manufactured for Wegmans. Carefully developed specifications help to ensure product quality and consistency for our customers. First shipments will be tested and analyzed against the specification to ensure accuracy prior to release by Wegmans.

Notify Wegmans before any changes are made to ingredients, packaging materials, processes, equipment, or manufacturing locations. In the event that an ingredient change results in a change to the allergen declaration (including “may contain” statements), Wegmans must be notified at least 30 days in advance of the ingredient change via email to both your current Wegmans contact and [email protected].

Take the appropriate action to prevent and correct any food safety or quality issues. This includes conducting thorough and timely investigations of consumer complaints or concerns presented by Wegmans or Wegmans’ customers.

Notify Wegmans in a timely manner of any GFSI certification suspensions and/or recalls involving any facility producing products for Wegmans.

For those suppliers handling livestock, conduct periodic welfare audits for livestock production and processing. Audits should include objective, measurable criteria and follow the recommendations of the American Meat Institute and the Food Marketing Institute. Willful acts of abuse will not be tolerated. Wegmans will request and review these audits on an annual basis.

Maintain an effective complaint response system including root cause analysis and provide Wegmans with Corrective Action responses on company letterhead when requested.

Wegmans recognizes the approved programs that have been endorsed by GFSI (Global Food Safety Initiative). Information on these standards can be found at this website: For consideration, reports, and certificates need to be current (no more than one year old), submitted by an accredited Certification Body in English and in whole, along with any resulting corrective actions. Wegmans reserves the right to conduct supplier audits of these third-party certified facilities if deemed necessary. Wegmans reserves the right to change our position on acceptance of GFSI-endorsed food safety standards at any time, and to consider other non-GFSI-endorsed certifications on a case-by-case basis.

  1. Due to SQF and FSMA Guidelines, leaking or damaged inbound product containing allergens will not be allowed to be unloaded and re-stacked in the dock area. The carrier/supplier will be required to take the load to a Wegmans- or carrier-approved facility for the product to be cleaned and restacked.
  2. Bills of Lading for inbound product must contain the following information: item description (that matches the item received), quantity, lot number, vendor item number, manufacture date, and expiration date. If there are multiple lot numbers for an item, each one must be listed separately on the bill of lading (one lot number per pallet, unless approved by Wegmans).
  3. All products must adhere to the delivered shelf life as detailed in their ingredient specifications. Product that is delivered with significantly shortened shelf life (<75% remaining) will be identified by Wegmans’ Receivers and Quality Assurance team. At that point, the supplier will be notified of next steps which may include returning the ingredients and requesting replacement inventory rushed to Wegmans at the supplier’s expense.
  4. If an ingredient is being changed by the supplier or in conjunction with Wegmans, the item may require new label packaging so that old and new ingredients don’t get mixed at a Wegmans facility. The supplier must notify the Wegmans Manufacturing Services team at [email protected] at least 30 days in advance of any changes to the item specification including, but not limited to: item number/description, nutritional content, allergen declarations, shelf life, or micro/analytical test specifications. The relevant specification in Wegmans’ web-based specification system must be updated to reflect the changes. If an ingredient in the item is changing, Wegmans Manufacturing Services will provide the supplier instructions should labeling updates be required. An ingredient change may require the supplier to create a different style/item number on a new label for ease of identification upon receipt at Wegmans. Wegmans cannot receive items if paperwork and case label information does not match. Per section 1.8, in the event that an ingredient change results in a change to the allergen declaration (including “may contain” statements), Wegmans must be notified at least 30 days in advance of the ingredient change via email to all of the following: your current Wegmans contact AND [email protected] AND [email protected].
  5. For any product on hold at Wegmans, the supplier must provide Wegmans with a disposition such as donate, destroy, or pickup information within 48 hours. If product is to be picked up, it must be done within the agreed upon time or product will be donated or destroyed.
  6. Secured Inbound Trailers: For full truckloads, the trailer must be secured with a seal, the seal number must be documented on the inbound paperwork, and both must match. The seal cannot be broken until verified by a Wegmans Receiving Team Member. For LTL loads, carriers must arrive at Wegmans with a seal or padlock. The driver cannot break the seal or unlock the padlock unless instructed to do so by a Wegmans Receiving Team Member. Loads arriving without a seal or lock will be refused at the security gate. The supplier is responsible for communicating Wegmans policies for supplier-arranged transportation.
  7. All pallets coming into our operations shall be in good condition and free of potential contaminants. This may include, but is not limited to, wood chips, nails (rusty, loose, exposed, missing, etc.), structural damage (missing planks, cracked or unstable frames, etc.) dirt, debris, mold, or any other noticeable food safety or quality issues. CHEP, PECO PALLET and IGPS are companies that supply good quality pallets. Slip sheets between pallet and product are required.
  8. All refrigerated loads must include a running Temp Tale.
  1. GRMA NSF/ANSI 455 GMP audits may be submitted in place of GFSI certification.
  2. The Wegmans Verified with Confidence program requires annual testing on all brands (national AND Wegmans) in the below categories. This program requirement will be communicated by the category merchant and QA during product review.
    • Vitamins & Supplements
    • Herbals
    • Probiotics
    • Adult & Active Nutrition

Third-party testing may be required by Wegmans (based on Country of Origin, Importer of Record, or Product Risk). This will be communicated by the category merchant and QA team during product review.

Wegmans Supplier Codes of Practice-V10, effective August 14, 2024.