Digital Coupons

What are digital coupons?

Digital coupons are coupons that you can access online and clip directly to your Shoppers Club account.

How do I get Wegmansโ€™ digital coupons?

To receive digital coupons, you must have an active Wegmans Shoppers Club account.

How do I sign up for Shoppers Club?

At Wegmans Store Service Desk โ€“ A Service Desk team member will be happy to assist you in creating an account.

At home โ€“ Visit wegmans.com/shoppersclub and click โ€œCreate An Accountโ€. Youโ€™ll be asked to create a Username and Password and fill in your contact information, including a unique phone number.

Where can I find my digital coupons?

To view your available digital coupons on wegmans.com, click onโ€ฏโ€œDigital Couponsโ€โ€ฏat the top of the homepage.

On the Wegmans App, digital coupons can be found by clicking on the โ€œDigital Couponsโ€ icon on the home screen. They can also be located by tapping the down arrow in the upper right-hand corner of your screen and selectingโ€ฏโ€œDigital Couponsโ€โ€ฏfrom the menu that appears.

Additionally, when searching for products on both wegmans.com and the Wegmans App, youโ€™ll see an icon on products that have associated digital coupons. When browsing products, you can apply a filter to show only items with associated digital coupons.

I donโ€™t have a smartphone โ€“ can I still get digital coupons?

Yes. Digital coupons can be accessed on a desktop or laptop computer.

How do I clip a digital coupon?

Using the Wegmans App, click onโ€ฏโ€œDigital Coupons.โ€โ€ฏThen, tap the orangeโ€ฏโ€œclipโ€ iconโ€ฏon the corner of the coupon to clip it.

Using a Desktop Computer, click โ€œDigital Couponsโ€ at the top of the wegmans.com homepage. Then, click the orangeโ€ฏโ€œclipโ€ iconโ€ฏon the corner of the coupon to clip it.

How do I redeem a digital coupon?

To redeem a digital coupon, simply clip the coupon to your Shoppers Club account (through wegmans.com or the Wegmans App) and scan the barcode from your Wegmans App or enter your phone number at checkout. If you purchased an eligible item, the discount automatically comes off your order.

If you are placing an online order, any applicable digital coupons will show at the bottom of your cart under โ€œOffers Applicable to Your Order.โ€ Once the digital coupons are clipped and all applicable items have been added to your cart and/or the minimum purchase has been met, a green bar with the words โ€œDigital Coupon Completedโ€ will appear and the discount will come off your order. Please note, all requirements of a digital coupon must be met within the same transaction.

Does everyone get the same coupons?

No. Most digital coupons are targeted based on what you buy or might be interested in buying. Some digital coupons (like those tied to a direct mail piece) are not targeted based on purchase history, which means, occasionally, you might get a coupon for an item you would not typically buy.    

How frequently will new digital coupons be issued?

After you receive your initial welcome coupons (over $25 in value), additional digital coupons are distributed throughout the year tied to direct mail pieces, holidays or new product launches. You will be notified of new coupons through our Fresh News emails, push notifications to your cell phone, and direct mail pieces.

Can a digital coupon be used more than once?

Unless otherwise indicated, digital coupons can only be used once.

Can I unclip a coupon?

No. The coupon will remain available until it expires and then will no longer be available to view or redeem.

Can I clip all digital coupons at once?

โ€œClip allโ€ is no longer available for digital coupons in the Wegmans app or on our website because we have integrated our digital coupons into the shopping list feature. This enhancement allows you to see which products have digital coupons available while youโ€™re building your list, so you can clip them as you go. With the previous version of the app, we saw that a large portion of our customers were clipping their digital coupons and forgetting they had them. We decided to make the change so you could more easily identify when a digital coupon is offered for a product right when youโ€™re building your list.

Do digital coupons expire?

Yes. All coupons have an expiration date.

What happens when a coupon expires?

The coupon will no longer be available to view or redeem.

How do I see my coupons that are going to expire?

Coupons will appear in the order that they are loaded into your account. An expiration date will be listed under the couponโ€™s image.

Can I see the coupons that I have redeemed?

Yes. You can see the total value of coupons redeemed under โ€œMy Orders & Receipts.โ€ Select โ€œViewโ€ on one of your past purchases. For in-store orders, redeemed coupons can be found within the list of items purchased. For online orders, coupon savings are labeled as โ€œOffer Discountโ€ at the bottom.

How do I know that I used a digital coupon?

The redeemed coupons are visible on your receipt.

How do I know when I have satisfied the product requirements to use a digital coupon?

When the coupon is clipped, and you are reviewing your list/cart, you will see a green bar that says โ€œDigital Coupon Completedโ€ under the coupon in the โ€œOffers Applicable to your Orderโ€ section. To be certain that you are adding an eligible product for a digital coupon, you can click on the coupon image on the Digital Coupon page and scroll down until you see the โ€œAdd to Cartโ€ button.  

What does โ€œDigital Coupon Completedโ€ mean under the Offers Applicable to your Order section of my list/cart?

When you are viewing your digital coupons in your list/cart and have added the item that matches the coupon, the digital coupon will have โ€œDigital Coupon Completedโ€ under the offer. This means that you have satisfied the minimum requirement to use the coupon. For example, if the coupon says $1 off 2 rolls of paper towels, it will only say โ€œCoupon Completedโ€ when you have two rolls of paper towels in your cart.

Why donโ€™t I see any digital coupon offers?

Digital coupons are targeted to our customers for many different reasons. Check โ€œDigital Couponsโ€ frequently for new coupons available to you. There may also be a few other reasons why you might not see any digital coupons. First, you may have clipped and redeemed all available digital coupons. Second, there could be an issue with you having multiple accounts.

If you have any questions, please contact our Customer Care Center here, or call 1-800-WEGMANS (934-6267) Monday through Friday from 8am to 6pm, or Saturday and Sunday from 8am-5pm.

Can I share a digital coupon with someone else?

No. Digital coupons are only available to the Shoppers Club account holder who receives the coupon.

Can a digital coupon be used in conjunction with other coupons or a Shoppers Club discount?

Yes. If there is a Shoppers Club discount for the same item, both can be redeemed. If there is a Wegmans (paper) coupon for the same item, both can be redeemed as long as the total discount does not exceed the retail price.

Will digital coupons be offered for national brand products, too?

Shoppers Club digital coupons are most often offered on Wegmans brand products, but we do offer national brand digital coupons on items that we do not have a Wegmans Brand alternative for.

Will I still be able to use national brand paper coupons at Wegmans?

Yes. We are not changing our current coupon policy. Please note that paper coupons for national brand items are not available for redemption on online orders.

Will Shoppers Club discounts go away?

No. Shoppers Club discounts will continue in addition to digital coupons.

Why not just offer the savings through Shoppers Club discounts?

Customers have asked for digital coupons. We also wanted to offer our customers a new way to save.

Will Wegmans still offer paper coupons in mailers or by mail?

We have begun to transition most of our paper coupons to digital. We will still offer some paper coupons in select direct-mail pieces.

Can I use digital coupons on Grocery Delivery and Curbside Pickup orders placed through wegmans.com / the Wegmans App?

Yes, as long as you are signed into your Wegmans Shoppers Club account. Make sure you have clipped your coupons before you check out.

Can I use digital coupons when placing an order through the Instacart Marketplace?

Instead of reducing the total of your order by the value of the digital coupon, your Instacart account will receive a credit for the value of the coupon that can be applied to your next Instacart Marketplace order. Be sure your Shoppers Club number is entered when you check out. It may take several weeks for the credit to be added to your account.

Can I use digital coupons for orders placed through Catering?

No, digital coupons cannot be used for orders placed through Catering.

How do I print my digital coupons to bring to the store so I can know what Iโ€™ve clipped?

You can print your digital coupons when youโ€™re signed into your Wegmans account on a desktop or laptop computer. When youโ€™re on the digital coupons page, select the option to Print from your browserโ€™s settings.

If the images on your list or digital coupons are not showing when you print them out, it may be due to your printer settings. For images to appear, check your printer settings to ensure that the โ€œBackground Graphicsโ€ box is checked under โ€œMore Optionsโ€ on the print screen.

Should I enter my Shoppers Club at checkout even if I donโ€™t have any items on sale with Shoppers Club?

Yes. Using Shoppers Club at checkout enables you to view receipts and past purchases online, as well as be targeted for digital coupons on items we think you might be interested in trying. In addition, if a product you purchased has been recalled, weโ€™ll notify you personally.

Who do I contact with questions about my account or digital coupons?

Contact the Service Desk at your local store or contact our Customer Care Center. They can be reach here or by calling 1-800-WEGMANS (934-6267), Monday through Friday, from 8am to 6pm, and Saturday and Sunday, from 8am to 5pm.

Can Shoppers Club for Business customers use digital coupons?

Yes. Please reach out to your account representative to sign up for an online account. Once activated, youโ€™ll receive the digital coupons available to you.

Digital Coupons

What are digital coupons?

Digital coupons are coupons that you can access online and clip directly to your Shoppers Club account.

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How do I get Wegmansโ€™ digital coupons?

To receive digital coupons, you must have an active Wegmans Shoppers Club account.

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How do I sign up for Shoppers Club?

At Wegmans Store Service Desk โ€“ A Service Desk team member will be happy to assist you in creating an account.

At home โ€“ Visit wegmans.com/shoppersclub and click โ€œCreate An Accountโ€. Youโ€™ll be asked to create a Username and Password and fill in your contact information, including a unique phone number.

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Where can I find my digital coupons?

To view your available digital coupons on wegmans.com, click onโ€ฏโ€œDigital Couponsโ€โ€ฏat the top of the homepage.

On the Wegmans App, digital coupons can be found by clicking on the โ€œDigital Couponsโ€ icon on the home screen. They can also be located by tapping the down arrow in the upper right-hand corner of your screen and selectingโ€ฏโ€œDigital Couponsโ€โ€ฏfrom the menu that appears.

Additionally, when searching for products on both wegmans.com and the Wegmans App, youโ€™ll see an icon on products that have associated digital coupons. When browsing products, you can apply a filter to show only items with associated digital coupons.

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I donโ€™t have a smartphone โ€“ can I still get digital coupons?

Yes. Digital coupons can be accessed on a desktop or laptop computer.

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How do I clip a digital coupon?

Using the Wegmans App, click onโ€ฏโ€œDigital Coupons.โ€โ€ฏThen, tap the orangeโ€ฏโ€œclipโ€ iconโ€ฏon the corner of the coupon to clip it.

Using a Desktop Computer, click โ€œDigital Couponsโ€ at the top of the wegmans.com homepage. Then, click the orangeโ€ฏโ€œclipโ€ iconโ€ฏon the corner of the coupon to clip it.

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How do I redeem a digital coupon?

To redeem a digital coupon, simply clip the coupon to your Shoppers Club account (through wegmans.com or the Wegmans App) and scan the barcode from your Wegmans App or enter your phone number at checkout. If you purchased an eligible item, the discount automatically comes off your order.

If you are placing an online order, any applicable digital coupons will show at the bottom of your cart under โ€œOffers Applicable to Your Order.โ€ Once the digital coupons are clipped and all applicable items have been added to your cart and/or the minimum purchase has been met, a green bar with the words โ€œDigital Coupon Completedโ€ will appear and the discount will come off your order. Please note, all requirements of a digital coupon must be met within the same transaction.

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Does everyone get the same coupons?

No. Most digital coupons are targeted based on what you buy or might be interested in buying. Some digital coupons (like those tied to a direct mail piece) are not targeted based on purchase history, which means, occasionally, you might get a coupon for an item you would not typically buy.    

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How frequently will new digital coupons be issued?

After you receive your initial welcome coupons (over $25 in value), additional digital coupons are distributed throughout the year tied to direct mail pieces, holidays or new product launches. You will be notified of new coupons through our Fresh News emails, push notifications to your cell phone, and direct mail pieces.

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Can a digital coupon be used more than once?

Unless otherwise indicated, digital coupons can only be used once.

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Can I unclip a coupon?

No. The coupon will remain available until it expires and then will no longer be available to view or redeem.

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Can I clip all digital coupons at once?

โ€œClip allโ€ is no longer available for digital coupons in the Wegmans app or on our website because we have integrated our digital coupons into the shopping list feature. This enhancement allows you to see which products have digital coupons available while youโ€™re building your list, so you can clip them as you go. With the previous version of the app, we saw that a large portion of our customers were clipping their digital coupons and forgetting they had them. We decided to make the change so you could more easily identify when a digital coupon is offered for a product right when youโ€™re building your list.

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Do digital coupons expire?

Yes. All coupons have an expiration date.

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What happens when a coupon expires?

The coupon will no longer be available to view or redeem.

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How do I see my coupons that are going to expire?

Coupons will appear in the order that they are loaded into your account. An expiration date will be listed under the couponโ€™s image.

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Can I see the coupons that I have redeemed?

Yes. You can see the total value of coupons redeemed under โ€œMy Orders & Receipts.โ€ Select โ€œViewโ€ on one of your past purchases. For in-store orders, redeemed coupons can be found within the list of items purchased. For online orders, coupon savings are labeled as โ€œOffer Discountโ€ at the bottom.

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How do I know that I used a digital coupon?

The redeemed coupons are visible on your receipt.

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How do I know when I have satisfied the product requirements to use a digital coupon?

When the coupon is clipped, and you are reviewing your list/cart, you will see a green bar that says โ€œDigital Coupon Completedโ€ under the coupon in the โ€œOffers Applicable to your Orderโ€ section. To be certain that you are adding an eligible product for a digital coupon, you can click on the coupon image on the Digital Coupon page and scroll down until you see the โ€œAdd to Cartโ€ button.  

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What does โ€œDigital Coupon Completedโ€ mean under the Offers Applicable to your Order section of my list/cart?

When you are viewing your digital coupons in your list/cart and have added the item that matches the coupon, the digital coupon will have โ€œDigital Coupon Completedโ€ under the offer. This means that you have satisfied the minimum requirement to use the coupon. For example, if the coupon says $1 off 2 rolls of paper towels, it will only say โ€œCoupon Completedโ€ when you have two rolls of paper towels in your cart.

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Why donโ€™t I see any digital coupon offers?

Digital coupons are targeted to our customers for many different reasons. Check โ€œDigital Couponsโ€ frequently for new coupons available to you. There may also be a few other reasons why you might not see any digital coupons. First, you may have clipped and redeemed all available digital coupons. Second, there could be an issue with you having multiple accounts.

If you have any questions, please contact our Customer Care Center here, or call 1-800-WEGMANS (934-6267) Monday through Friday from 8am to 6pm, or Saturday and Sunday from 8am-5pm.

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Can I share a digital coupon with someone else?

No. Digital coupons are only available to the Shoppers Club account holder who receives the coupon.

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Can a digital coupon be used in conjunction with other coupons or a Shoppers Club discount?

Yes. If there is a Shoppers Club discount for the same item, both can be redeemed. If there is a Wegmans (paper) coupon for the same item, both can be redeemed as long as the total discount does not exceed the retail price.

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Will digital coupons be offered for national brand products, too?

Shoppers Club digital coupons are most often offered on Wegmans brand products, but we do offer national brand digital coupons on items that we do not have a Wegmans Brand alternative for.

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Will I still be able to use national brand paper coupons at Wegmans?

Yes. We are not changing our current coupon policy. Please note that paper coupons for national brand items are not available for redemption on online orders.

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Will Shoppers Club discounts go away?

No. Shoppers Club discounts will continue in addition to digital coupons.

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Why not just offer the savings through Shoppers Club discounts?

Customers have asked for digital coupons. We also wanted to offer our customers a new way to save.

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Will Wegmans still offer paper coupons in mailers or by mail?

We have begun to transition most of our paper coupons to digital. We will still offer some paper coupons in select direct-mail pieces.

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Can I use digital coupons on Grocery Delivery and Curbside Pickup orders placed through wegmans.com / the Wegmans App?

Yes, as long as you are signed into your Wegmans Shoppers Club account. Make sure you have clipped your coupons before you check out.

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Can I use digital coupons when placing an order through the Instacart Marketplace?

Instead of reducing the total of your order by the value of the digital coupon, your Instacart account will receive a credit for the value of the coupon that can be applied to your next Instacart Marketplace order. Be sure your Shoppers Club number is entered when you check out. It may take several weeks for the credit to be added to your account.

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Can I use digital coupons for orders placed through Catering?

No, digital coupons cannot be used for orders placed through Catering.

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How do I print my digital coupons to bring to the store so I can know what Iโ€™ve clipped?

You can print your digital coupons when youโ€™re signed into your Wegmans account on a desktop or laptop computer. When youโ€™re on the digital coupons page, select the option to Print from your browserโ€™s settings.

If the images on your list or digital coupons are not showing when you print them out, it may be due to your printer settings. For images to appear, check your printer settings to ensure that the โ€œBackground Graphicsโ€ box is checked under โ€œMore Optionsโ€ on the print screen.

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Should I enter my Shoppers Club at checkout even if I donโ€™t have any items on sale with Shoppers Club?

Yes. Using Shoppers Club at checkout enables you to view receipts and past purchases online, as well as be targeted for digital coupons on items we think you might be interested in trying. In addition, if a product you purchased has been recalled, weโ€™ll notify you personally.

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Who do I contact with questions about my account or digital coupons?

Contact the Service Desk at your local store or contact our Customer Care Center. They can be reach here or by calling 1-800-WEGMANS (934-6267), Monday through Friday, from 8am to 6pm, and Saturday and Sunday, from 8am to 5pm.

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Can Shoppers Club for Business customers use digital coupons?

Yes. Please reach out to your account representative to sign up for an online account. Once activated, youโ€™ll receive the digital coupons available to you.

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Can't find an answer to your question? Send us an email or call us at 1-800-WEGMANS